Carrco Honors Women in Construction Week

July 15, 2024

Carrco Painting is committed to providing equal opportunity to all its team members. In honor of Women in Construction Week, we gathered our women team members who weighed in on their perspectives as it relates to several components of what it means to us to work and contribute to significant landmarks and buildings in Texas.

When it comes to the biggest challenges we face, as women, in what is perceived as a male dominated industry, Yoselyn said, “People assume that men should be in this field, and we fear we will not be taken seriously.   However, women are really all over the place in this field.  Her advice to other women is, “Don’t be afraid.  Let your voice be heard.”

Betty then told usher most memorable moment in her history of being in the field of construction.  She described their incredible pride she has each time Carrco Painting receives an award for their work, even though her primary role is in the administrative area.  Her message to other women is, “Be openminded.  Observe and learn.   Persevere and be persistent.  Become better every day.”

 Yuri discussed how she was surprised by the open doors for women in construction.  “When you show respect for yourself, others will also respect you in the same way,” she said.  She has always asked for and taken opportunities that come her way.  She described a time when she was at a job site at DFW Airport.  She was the only woman supervisor in a field of 40 or more male professionals working on a very large and significant project.  As they all gathered in one room, she said it made her feel so proud of herself.  Her message to other women is to “be confident and know your stuff.  Let them know you mean business.”

Joanna tells of how she appears to be very quiet and reserved when she first finds herself in anew environment.   However, when she is feeling comfortable, she lets her funny side show.  She enjoys helping everyone on the team. She encourages other women to “have fun and help others – don’t be afraid to break out of your shell.”

 Yasmine grew up as the daughter of the President of Carrco Painting. She said she felt intimidated about the idea of working in the field of construction, and now that she has her degree, and is working for the company, she is always surprised that there are so many other women in key roles.   She said, “I appreciate always having had my father, Javier’s, support.” She added, “I am so glad to be a woman in construction.” Her words of advice to other women is, “Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. ‘Can’t’ is not in her vocabulary.”

Laura has worked for Carrco Painting for 13 years.  She worked her way up to become a Project Manager. She always took opportunities eagerly and never looked back. She says, “Never underestimate yourself.  Don’t hold back!”  She was inspired by other women and looks to be an inspiration as well.

 All of us are very grateful to have a meaningful contribution to our team and to our city.   We are proud to be among the women who work and contribute.   We are particularly excited to be a part of the Carrco Painting team and to “Paint the City” with our time and talents.

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